Working with you to achieve results

Major projects

Major projects, involving the creation of strategy or its realisation, comprise the core component of Hedley Consulting’s work. Whether involved in the development of vision, culture change projects, the design of strategies to deliver sustainable competitive advantage, or advising on the panoply of project streams needed to realise those strategies, we work with leadership teams to optimise results.

We believe in ‘best in class’ solutions and, where appropriate, will call upon our strategic partners to build project teams with the requisite skills, expertise, and experience to ensure the best possible results for our clients.

Issue-based strategy workshops

A six-monthly, off-site strategy day is an effective way for the management team to create space for the sort of reflection and decision making that will define the future success of the business.

One of the key benefits of using an external facilitator for strategy development is their ability to help the management team to put the day-to-day issues to one side and focus on the bigger picture. An off-site strategy day can bring huge benefits for the leadership team by clarifying thinking and agreeing a stretching but realistic action plan.

Assisting in the structuring and facilitating of such days is an area in which we can make a significant contribution by bringing many years of experience to bear. This experience shows that the costs associated with such an exercise will be paid back many times over by the benefits flowing from creating an unambiguous and shared vision of the direction in which the business should move, clear allocation of responsibilities, and agreement on a change programme.

Retreats, conferences & strategy workshops

The annual retreat or partnership conference is an opportunity for the leadership team to set its agenda for action.  For larger organisations it is one of the very few times that all the partners and directors come together for an extended period.  It is a key vehicle for communicating vision, articulating strategy, working through operational implications, and gaining commitment to action.

Andrew Hedley is an accomplished keynote speaker and workshop facilitator. He has extensive experience of shaping and delivering retreat sessions. Working closely with the senior management team, bespoke sessions are designed to fulfil specific objectives.

Retained advisory services

We believe in enduring relationships. It is by developing a deep understanding of your context and competitive challenges that we can offer the best advice, devise firm-specific solutions to challenges, and maximise the potential of opportunities.

In this context a retained advisory relationship is an attractive option.  A regular meeting, whether monthly or quarterly, provides an opportunity to review progress against the strategy implementation framework, address emerging challenges and opportunities, and provide a sounding board for brainstorming and horizon gazing.

Such arrangements are designed to meet your needs and can range from a few hours every quarter, perhaps for attending a board meeting, to providing regular monthly support for a leadership team keen to have an external perspective.