Law firm leaders face many challenges
and carry huge responsibilities.
Decision making that will define the
future of their firms, for better or for worse,
rests on their shoulders. They must develop,
evaluate, shape, and articulate a vision and
strategy in ways which engage and motivate
others. They need the ability to build a broad
and deep consensus so that the mandate
they carry out is robust.
Most fundamentally, they are agents
for change, prepared to challenge takenfor-granted
assumptions about their firm,
and redefine expectations of behaviour and
standards of performance. Simultaneously,
they have to reconcile this need for
change, some of which will be fundamental
and unpopular, while maintaining the
confidence of their electorate so that
they are able to deliver on the vision and
strategy that has been defined.
In such a dynamic and politically
loaded environment, it is understandable
that there is an inclination to keep a broad
church happy (or at least not too unhappy!)
Consequently, ‘keeping your options open’
is a philosophy to which many management
teams subscribe, either overtly or by their
actions. To be clear, this isn’t to say that
inflexibility and intransigence is a good
thing, but rather that a clear sense of
direction, being prepared to say ‘no’ to
ideas that don’t fit, and a commitment
to achieving objectives, are crucial
components of a successful firm.
These are issues of leadership, which is
quite different to management in a number
of elementary respects. An interesting
delineation is suggested by John Kotter,
the Konosuke Matsushita Professor of
Leadership at the Harvard Business
School, in his seminal work Leading
Change. Management, he contends, is
fundamentally concerned with dealing with
complexity: analysing situations, distilling
them to their core, devising systems and
controlling organisations. Leadership, on
the other hand, is fundamentally about
dealing with change: vision, engagement,
alignment of people and resources. It is
about putting the business in a position
where it is ready for what the future brings.
This future orientation means that great
leaders must also have an eye to their
legacy, preparing the next generation so
that the future success of their firm is put
on a sound footing. Ralph Nader, the US
politician and activist, offers a powerful
insight into the true nature of leadership,
suggesting that one should start with the
premise that the function of leadership is to
produce more leaders, not more followers.
Faced with succession challenges
of significant magnitude, law firms are
now alert to the need to prepare the next
generation, but this has not always been
the case. Historically, the idea of producing
a ‘leader factory’ was seen as undesirable;
a view often held most strongly by current
incumbents! An environment in which those
in leadership positions are plucked from
the professional base (often on a fixed
tenure) and return to ‘real work’ after their
appointed term served only to reinforce
this position. Add to this mix the highly
consensual nature of the profession and it
can be seen that the notion of leadership is
A better understanding of what makes
a great leader is needed. In Level 5
Leadership, Jim Collins uses the sub-title
‘The triumph of humility and fierce resolve’
to summarise the qualities that define the
very best leaders. His research suggests
that it is only the ‘level 5 leader’ with these
qualities who is able to achieve sustainable
competitive advantage, allowing their
business to outperform its peer group in
the longer term.
The humility factor is well encapsulated
in his ‘window and mirror’ metaphor. Level
5 leaders look in the mirror to apportion
blame and out of the window to give credit.
Those less skilled have a tendency to
look in the mirror for credit and out of the
window for blame.
The second defining attribute is
an unwavering will to succeed: they
are resolute in the face of adversity,
and through the force of their own
determination and personality, enable their
organisations to achieve that which was
thought impossible.
A high level of self-awareness and
the ability to motivate others are also
key attributes. Great leaders develop a
personal style that is appropriate to their
firm and the environment it faces. This is
illustrated by Daniel Goleman, who coined
the term ‘emotional intelligence’, in his
extensive research into leadership. His
work shows that, while technical ability and
IQ are important, high levels of emotional
intelligence are twice as significant in
delivering excellent leadership.
What does all this mean to a partner,
newly appointed to a senior position,
who is seeking an appropriate leadership
style? They face many pressures, from
keeping internal partner politics balanced
to dealing with ever more demanding
client and competitive pressures. They are
also invariably fettered by a partnership
agreement that has been written to make
it impossible for the incumbent to govern
by edict with ‘contractual authority’, even if
they were so naïve as to try to do so.
Leading this sort of business requires
an authority forged by personality, the
communication of clear vision, demonstrable
commitment to following this path and an
unwavering determination to succeed.