In a strategy which is merger based,
it is important that there is a clear
vision of the future, which is easily
understandable and provides a strong
rationale as to why merger is the best
option – illustrating both the opportunities
that will be created as well as the threats
and risks which will be reduced or
eliminated. The development of this vision
is at the core of the leader’s role, but
research shows that it is the process by
which the vision is created and agreed
that is likely to be fundamental to its
successful realisation. 1
Since merger will be regarded
by many within the firm as a high-risk
approach (especially if the firm is
prepared to be the junior party in any
transaction), it is vital that any vision for
a merged business has high levels of
buy-in to avoid disaffection and possible
desertion of important personnel. It is
through the creation of a powerful shared
vision that people within the business are
given a better understanding of how a
proposal for merger sits – both within the
wider context of what the firm is trying to
achieve in the longer term and why this is
the best option available.
Leadership, vision and change are
inextricably intertwined. Many would
argue that the role of the leader is to
come up with a vision for the firm and
then be in the vanguard of the change
process required to deliver it. But is it that
straightforward? To what extent should a
leader’s vision for the future be his own
and how much should it reflect the view
of the people he leads?
Shared vision
Research by Kouzes and Posner
indicates that organisational visions that
gain the most traction are those which
are shared. In many respects this is
commonsensical: how can one expect to
gain full commitment to a vision for the
future unless that vision has been built up from a common base of understanding
and reflects the aspirations of the wider
firm? Emotional intelligence should be at
the fore in building this strong consensus,
which is also at the core of changemanagement
best practice.
That is not to say that a leader should
not have ambition, or simply be a passive
reflection of the current status quo.
Indeed, Kouzes and Posner’s research
shows that the attribute most desired
by team members of their leaders (after
honesty) is that they be forward looking.
The desire and expectation is that their
leaders will look to the future in ways
that others cannot, but the crucial
nuance lies in the way in which those
leaders go about developing forwardlooking
What is clear is that the best way
to develop this competency to understand
the future, and so have a clear picture
of the best options open to the firm, is
not to rely on one’s own soothsaying
capabilities and personal prescience.
The most effective leaders undertake
deep and ongoing analyses of the
market to better understand both the
current and future conditions that their
firms will face. They also participate on an
ongoing basis in considered discussion,
both within and outside the business, to
test what they have learned and to hear
alternative views.
Very importantly, the most effective
leaders consult widely across their firm
in order to get a good grasp of the views
and opinions of others, seeking to explore
concerns and consider alternative options and scenarios. Whilst they have a broad
vision, they are also open to input and to
minor modification or more fundamental
change if this is in the best longer-term
interests of the business. They understand
that, in a law firm culture, the building of
strong consensus is key to success.
Such dialogue will usually begin within
the leadership team. Depending on the
size of the firm, this group will vary from
all of the partners (in a smaller entity) to a
management or strategy board (in a larger
organisation). By outlining and developing
a vision with these stakeholders, the seed
is planted. It can then be developed and
tested, amended and refined until it is
something which is sufficiently shaped to
be suitable for sharing more widely.
It is then possible for this group to
begin the process of comprehensive
consultation. Consensus building,
rather like the layers of an onion, can be
developed incrementally, accepting that
valid inputs may be received, which feed
into the creation of a more granular vision
and strategy to achieve it.
Building commitment
Any vision must resonate with its
constituency if it is to gain commitment.
Particularly in a law firm, without high
levels of commitment, no vision, no
matter how articulately expressed, can
be realised in practice. It is incumbent
on the leader to build this commitment
if a merger process is to have the best
potential of a successful outcome.
1. See ‘To Lead, Create a Shared
Vision’, James M. Kouzes and Barry
Z. Posner, Harvard Business Review,
March 2008