It is all too easy for those focused on the
consummation of a merger (and with a
deep knowledge of the transaction) to
assume that its strategic logic will be selfevident.
It is always wrong to presume that
the benefits flowing from the union will be
apparent to the combined firm’s client base.
Key clients should be engaged in
advance of any public announcement; it is
crucial that, for this vital constituency, the
merger message is measured and managed.
Even worse is to come to the conclusion
that it will have genuine appeal.
Client communications must be
well managed from the point at which
news of a potential merger enters the
public domain. For many clients, news of
an impending merger involving one of their
law firms will initially raise concerns. These
must be addressed quickly and directly to
avoid rumours and misinformation filling
the vacuum.
Client concerns will commonly centre
on questions such as:
- Will you still be interested in clients like
me? Am I still ‘on strategy’?
Will there be any increase in fee rates?
Will my relationship partner remain
the same?
Will the team doing my work be stable?
How much disruption will there be as
the two firms integrate?
I’ve used the firm you are merging
with before and had a bad experience,
how will you ensure that this doesn’t
happen again?
Who is really in charge and what will
the future direction of the new firm be?
Are there any conflicts – legal or
commercial – that I need to be aware
of? How do you propose to deal
with these?
A further dimension to carefully manage
occurs when the merging firms both
act for the same client, but on different commercial terms. This can be a particular
issue where a merger is consolidatory
in nature, i.e. seeking to dominate a
particular market (whether geographically
or sectorally defined). With the use of law
firm panels now commonplace among
large corporates, it is increasingly likely
that such mergers will result in a need to
converge terms with a number of clients.
It should be clear that, by
acknowledging and addressing legitimate
client concerns early in the process, the
firm gives itself a solid platform on which
to build positive messages highlighting
merger benefits.
These messages should focus on
the areas that are of direct benefit to
the client, rather than the wider halo of
effects that are centred on the firm and
its partners. While it is possible to argue,
for example, that being better able to
recruit top-tier candidates will be to the
ultimate benefit of the client, it would be
more purposeful to focus on immediate,
tangible advantages. These will resonate
with clients rather more convincingly than
future unrealised potential.
Typically, immediate client benefits
will include access to a wider range
of services, greater strength in depth,
improved geographic footprint and
increased sector expertise. Not all of
the benefits will be of equal (or indeed
any) importance to every client. Efforts
should be made to tune communications
(especially face-to-face dialogue and
focused direct marketing) to specific
audiences and key relationships.
It can be helpful to think of benefits as
falling into five distinct categories, from the
perspective of the client:
- helping the client to make money;
providing a means for the client to
save money;
increasing opportunities for the client;
reducing the client’s risk; and
making it easier for the client and
the firm to do business (for example,
reducing the client’s internal costs,
project management workload
and reporting).
Of course, some benefits will span across
more than one of these categories. The
reverse is also true; it is questionable
whether those that don’t comfortably fit
into any category are benefits at all, when
viewed through the eyes of the client.
While it will be tempting for the firm
to focus on those aspects of a merger
that provide opportunities for the client
to spend more money with the firm, a
commercially-savvy purchaser will also
wish to explore how the benefits of
consolidation and increased purchasing
power will flow through to lower fees as
well as improved profitability.
The firm must have a narrative
developed which is multi-dimensional; it
should anticipate potential negative as well
as positive issues and have a considered
response in place. In particular, the
firm should be prepared for competitor
actions that aim to undermine it and deal
confidently with client concerns on issues of
fallout, conflicts, confusion and disruption.
A well-crafted communications strategy
is vital to merger implementation success.
This must address the positive aspects
and also deal with likely concerns in a
controlled way. Any firm which prepares
only to discuss the perceived benefits and
chooses to ignore potential drawbacks
leaves itself exposed. This can result in
it being unable to maximise the early
stage post-merger opportunity as it
is forced to backpedal to reactively
manage client concerns.