
HedsUP! From Hedley Consulting

Welcome to the Spring 2010
issue of HedsUP!

by Example

“Time is neutral and does not change things. With courage and initiative, leaders change things.”
Jesse Jackson
March 10

Leading by example
Leading a professional services firm can be an unenviable task but strong leadership, setting a clear sense of purpose and direction for the business, has never been more important. What is also crucial is that leaders, by their actions rather than their rhetoric, create an agenda for change and demonstrate the high levels of energy and resilience needed to alter the direction of their businesses. They need to walk the talk and be seen to do so!

Moreover, a comprehensive 2004 study found that trust and confidence in the leadership team were the single most reliable predictors of employee satisfaction. It also showed that effective communication by leaders in three critical areas is key.
Great leaders help their people to understand their firm’s overall strategy, how every individual can contribute to the achievement of key objectives and they share information on progress across their firm at both an overall and business unit level.

I hope that you enjoy this issue of HedsUP! If you have any questions or would like further information please do not hesitate to contact me.

Best wishes,
Andrew Hedley
Andrew Hedley

On your desktop

Out of this World
Published in Managing Partner Annual Review

The past year has seen unprecedented turbulence for the legal profession, but is perhaps simply a portent of what is to come. Longstanding rules of competition and client relationship management have been cast to one side. A new, resolutely commercial, approach is to the fore, which is an anathema to those steeped in the longstanding traditions of the gentleman solicitor. For the vast majority of firms, it is a truism that future prosperity will be derived from being better at running a legal services business rather than by being better at the law.

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Virtually Reality
Published in Managing Partner Magazine

Virtual Law Partners (www.virtuallawpartners.com) was established in May 2008 with eight attorneys and now has around 50. It describes itself as a “virtually connected and geographically distributed firm that provides excellent legal service at very competitive rates”. By looking at the fundamental costs of a law firm through a different lens, and by being prepared to challenge all of the taken-for-granted assumptions about what a firm needs to be credible in the client’s eyes, a new, still nascent model had been created.

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Walking the Talk
Published in Legal Marketing Magazine

Perusing law firms’ corporate communication materials and browsing their websites is a pretty mundane pastime. In truth there are only so many ways in which even the most eloquent of wordsmiths can say the same thing over and over and over again. Taken at face value we live in a world inhabited by lawyers who are businesspeople in disguise, wholly commercial in their approach and clear communicators, getting to the core of the issue immediately, charging transparently and delivering to deadlines. All of this is surrounded by a ‘service wrapper’ that promises an experience like no other; indeed, one so good that the client will look forward to engaging their lawyers on a regular basis!

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Pitch Perfect ...
Published in PSMG Magazine

When business is tight, maximising the opportunity afforded by pitches, presentations and proposals is quite rightly an area of intense focus for firms. But what are the simple guidelines which, if followed, can help to improve win rates?

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News Bytes

Marketing Director Network Differentiation Seminar

Andrew Hedley will be speaking to members of the Marketing Director Network (MDN) on 22nd June this year on the subject of effective differentiation strategies. Although professional service firms generally appreciate the need to differentiate to increase their competitive advantage, many admit they are unsuccessful in doing so. To learn more about the Marketing Director Network click here or to view the seminar and meeting programme click here.

Developing Strategic Client Relationships Report

Andrew Hedley’s comprehensive report, Developing Strategic Client Relationships, published by ARK Group, continues to attract purchasers from around the world. Running to over 150 pages, with case studies of leading firms and ground breaking initiatives in this area, the report brings a much needed strategic perspective to client development and relationship management. For more information about the report and to order a copy click here.

Law Firm 2020 Seminar

Andrew Hedley will be sharing a platform with Rohit Talwar, a renowned futurologist named in the global top 10 by The Independent, at LawNet’s Law Firm 2020 seminar which will be held on 15th April 2010. Rohit will discuss the big drivers of change and emerging issues that will impact the international business environment over the next decade and highlight the implications for the legal profession. Andrew will then consider the importance of strategic leadership and management in enabling law firms to face these challenges and embrace opportunities. For more details click here to download a registration form for the event click here.

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