
HedsUP! From Hedley Consulting

Welcome to the Summer
issue of HedsUP!

Getting over
the gain line!

'Other things being equal, the higher your speed the better'
Jim Greenwood, 'Think Rugby'
 June 09  
HedsUP! Getting over the gain line!

The British & Irish Lions' tour of South Africa brings home the importance of 'getting over the gain line' - that imaginary line on the field which marks the point at which the ball is closer to the opposition try line than it was at the start of the move!

The same principle applies in business. By this I mean the importance of recognising that any action must result in movement, no matter how incremental, closer to the ultimate objective. Crucially, the action must also create a platform from which to launch the next initiative.

There is also an emotional component to success. It is clear that, without a will to win, the best laid plans will come to nothing.


Following a year in which many firms have endured difficult times and with financial results at a low, it is vital that the leadership team engages in a process of determined and speedy revitalisation.

Now is the time to get both strategy and attitude right. This will prove to be the winning combination as markets change and opportunities emerge for those firms that are fleet of foot.

I hope that you enjoy this issue of HedsUP! If you have any questions or would like further information please do not hesitate to contact me.

Best wishes,pix
Andrew Hedley
Andrew Hedley

On your desktop

Risky Scenarios
Published in Managing Partner magazine
An acid test of the efficacy of any strategy is the way in which it is able to accommodate and respond to uncertainty and unforeseen risks as they emerge over time. While we live in an increasingly non-linear world, many strategies are still constructed using a surprisingly one dimensional model.
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Crystal Ball Gazing
Published in Managing Partner magazine
When marketing guru Ted Levitt said: 'The future belongs to people who see possibilities before they become obvious', he captured the essence of the challenge faced by those in fast-changing environments. How do firms cope with a world in which the pace of change has never been greater and the future is so uncertain?
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Brave in the new world
Published in 'Legal information in a recession:
A restructuring opportunity'

In the current recession, managing partners have a great opportunity to overhaul their information and knowledge-management functions for long-term growth and profitability. To succeed will require addressing critical information and knowledge-management issues, but the results will fundamentally re-shape legal business creating the profitable next-generation law firm.
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PSMG Magazine carries Cambridge Marketing College column by Andrew Hedley

Andrew Hedley offered delegates studying for the CIM Professional Diploma in Professional Services Marketing advice on assignment technique and the introduction of a new syllabus in recent editions of PSMG magazine.


News bytes

MPF European Practice Management Awards 2009
Andrew Hedley will again be a member of the judging panel of the MPF Annual European Practice Management Awards. Europe’s premier awards for excellence in professional services management, now in their 8th year, showcasing leadership in a wide range of management disciplines. The ceremony and gala dinner will take place on 21st October in London. For more information about the awards click here or to download a copy of the guidelines and entry form click here.

“Identifying and assessing future trends in law firm markets” webinar
On 14th July, Andrew Hedley will lead a webinar masterclass on identifying future trends in law firms markets and assessing their impact. The interactive session will help in developing a strategy that delivers clear benefits to current and future clients. To read more about the webinar or to book a place click here.

Growth Strategies
Andrew Hedley is presenting, to members of NetworkMP across the UK, on the challenge of sustaining revenue streams and developing strategies to ensure that growth opportunities are maximised. To learn more about NetworkMP click here.

Developing Strategic Client Relationships Report
Andrew Hedley’s comprehensive report, Developing Strategic Client Relationships, published by ARK Group, continues to attract purchasers from around the world. Running to over 150 pages, with case studies of leading firms and ground breaking initiatives in this area, the report brings a much needed strategic perspective to client development and relationship management. For more information about the report and to order a copy click here.

Nottingham Law School MBA in Legal Practice
Andrew Hedley will be a guest tutor on the highly regarded Nottingham Law School MBA in Legal Practice from October this year. For more information on the MBA programme click here.

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Hedley Consulting Ltd. © 2009