
HedsUP! From Hedley Consulting

Welcome to the Summer
issue of HedsUP!

Rabbits in headlights?

“So, first of all, let me assert my firm belief that the only thing we have to fear is fear itself... which paralyses needed efforts to convert retreat into advance.”

 June 08

The words of Franklin D Roosevelt in his inaugural address to Depression-era Americans should resonate with the leaders of 21st century professional services firms as we enter unchartered economic waters. However, the work of social psychologists tells us that what really paralyses people is not simply fear but rather the presence of fear without any action plan to reduce it. The “rabbits in headlights” syndrome!

What are the implications for business leaders and how should they respond to ensure that their firms and their people are fit for whatever the future might bring? This is a time for leadership, clarity of direction and tenacity of purpose.


There should be an increased emphasis on the four core areas of analysis, decision making, communication and action rather than the beating of a hasty retreat behind the closed doors of the boardroom.
Aspects of each of these central competencies are the focus of this issue of HedsUP! which I hope you will find interesting.

Please give me a call if there is anything that you would like to discuss or need more information about.
Best wishes,pix
Andrew Hedley
Andrew Hedley

On your desktop

As the gravy train grinds to a halt...
Following a number of years in which revenue growth has been achievable without too much effort, there will be many management teams with the misplaced belief that they have a strong business model. In truth, during the bull years, the volumes of work available means that all can feast. A period of recession will provide evidence of those businesses with underlying strengths, as opposed to those that were simply in the right place at the right time. More

Powers of Persuasion
When Dale Carnegie said: “There is only one way to get anybody to do anything. And that is by making the other person want to do it”, he struck at the essence of the art of persuasion. In Verbal Judo George Thompson reinforced this view: “The goal of persuasion is to generate voluntary compliance…The great communicators have that art. They somehow get people to do what they want them to do by getting them to want to do it.” More

The Role of Competitive Intelligence
in Shaping Strategy

There are many models in use that help decision makers better understand their competitive position and to guide their strategy formulation. They range in complexity from the intellectually impenetrable through the overwhelmingly obtuse to the stunningly simple. Unsurprisingly the simple but effective approach finds most favour with those seeking rigorous but actionable insights. More

You Don’t Know What You Don’t Know:
How to use superior knowledge to drive
business development

When boiled down to its essence, what does a professional-services firm do if not manage knowledge and ideas (in the broadest definition of these words) and develop relationships. Indeed, from a business-development perspective, one of the most interesting areas to explore is the knowledge embedded in client relationships, both individual and systemic, that can be used to shape better ways to build a strong client franchise. More
News bytes

Leveraging Intelligence in Law Firms
Andrew Hedley spoke on the subject of Changing People’s Perceptions, Behaviour and the Firm’s Culture at the Leveraging Intelligence in Law Firms conference held on 1st April. Andrew’s talk encompassed situational analysis, behavioural change and building credibility. For a copy of the slides contact us.

Building Brand and Creating New Horizons Through Innovation Masterclass
There will be a half-day Masterclass, in London on 17th July, for members of NetworkMP, the leading senior management development network for Managing Partners and CEOs of professional service organisations. Led by Andrew Hedley, the Masterclass will examine, through a mixture of plenary and group discussion, the issue of brand development and innovation for professional service firms. For more information about NetworkMP, contact Samantha Benecke, Network Director.

Developing Strategic Client Relationships Report
Andrew Hedley had produced a comprehensive report, Developing Strategic Client Relationships, which is published by ARK Group. Running to over 150 pages, with case studies of leading firms and ground breaking initiatives in this area, the report brings a much needed strategic perspective to client development and relationship management. For more information about the report and to order a copy click here.

MPF European Practice Management Awards 2008

Andrew Hedley will again be a member of the judging panel of the MPF Annual European Practice Management Awards. Europe’s premier awards for excellence in professional services management, now in their 7th year, showcasing leadership in a wide range of management disciplines. The awards are now open for entries with the ceremony and gala dinner will take place on 8 October in London. For more information about the awards click here.
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Hedley Consulting Ltd. © 2008